Dear diary,
I fear we are lost. We spent the morning floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Finally the Captain figured out which button started the engines and we are now cruising along at about 500 feet per hour. We’re just barely making headway.
One of the officers was explaining it in the Cove Cafe this morning. He said that we cannot be close to Cabo when we do the fireworks. Oh, did I forget to mention that the Pirates in the Caribbean show is tonight?
So, we are basically cruising in large leisurely circles in the mouth of the Gulf of California. The seas are mostly calm, with a gentle roll to them.
It’s now 1:30pm ship’s time and I’m sitting in the Outlook Lounge, overlooking the Quiet Cove pool. This is what I am looking at.

About 60deg off the starboard side, I can see mountains on the distant horizon. There is a light haze on the horizon and some whispy clouds in the sky, but it is a perfect day to be on the water.
I am seeing a LOT of people sporting sunburns from yesterday in PV. There were a lot of people who took advantage of beach excursions, but did not appear to have taken advantage of sunscreen, Two little girls at dinner last night were trying to use ice packs to cool their burned faces down. Poor, unhappy kids.
A little while ago, there was a gathering of Princesses in the lobby atrium. The line started forming about 11:45 for a 12:15 appearance. It snaked across the lobby and down the hallway past Triton’s and into the Art Gallery. About 12:00, Cruise Director Clayton, the ultimate SCM, came by and handed out “guaranteed photo” tickets to the first half of the line. He said that if we wanted to leave the line, as long as we were back by the end of the appearance, about 12:30, we would be guaranteed a photo with each princess. I don’t think anybody left the line.
SCMs came around and handed out cookies, and we all waited. There is a lot to be said of Disney Magic, when a little girl who is a bit tired, probably hungry from not
having lunch yet, and really not into standing patiently, starts jumping up and down and cheering when she sees a Disney Princess approach.
When the Princesses came down the stairs, there were a LOT of excited smiles on the girls in line, both young and old. DW had her picture taken with Tiana, Belle, Ariel, Cinderella and Snow White. Now she is only missing Lilo and Stitch.

Since the ship is only making headway (barely moving) the stabilizers are not engaged. There is a very slow side to side roll with the ocean waves. I’m watching the water in the QC pool move from side to side, and a bit of front-to-back motion as well. We’re moving a little faster now, probably to combat the motion some.
Later this afternoon, we are going to watch “Gnomeo and Juliet” in 3D and then “Mars Needs Moms”, the new Disney movie, also in “Disney Digital 3D,” whatever that means.

We’re back from the movies, and dinner. “Gnomeo & Juliet” is really cute. The first two photos are in the Buena Vista Theater, before ”Gnomeo & Juliet” started. “Mars Needs Moms” is a feel-good movie that will bring a tear to your eye, like any good Disney movie should. We also had a meeting with Pirate Minnie, so DW had another photo taken.
I have seen a few 3D movies over the years, but the Disney Digital 3D is the best technology I’ve seen. It was awesome watching, even if you have to wear the glasses.
I want to take a minute and talk about the Pirates menu tonight. I was very unhappy with it. I ordered the Steak. It was more like a thick slice of roast beef, and it came with some sort of potato-like thing that didn’t taste good. I ordered a side of the Captain Jack BBQ Spare Ribs, and the sauce was horrible I had one bite, and left the rest on the table. DW had seafood pasta and she said that it was good, so that’s something.

I captured a so-so picture of another DISBoard cruiser in the WD Theatre, before “Mars Needs Moms” started. And we snapped some photos of our servers in their pirate attire, too.

So far, except for dinner tonight, everything has been wonderful. Tomorrow we are back in Cabo, and it’s the Captain’s Gala, and Semi-Formal night. I don’t think we’re going to stay up for the Pirates show and fire works tonight, though. DS11 will go to the show with The Edge crew, though.