
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Who's Driving That Rental Truck?

For the past 4 days, I've been running back and forth between Phoenix and Alamogordo, NM. We have been shuttling Aviation Gasoline over there for the big airborne tankers that fight forest fires.

This morning, I left Las Cruces, headed west toward Tucson and back to Phoenix. Just west of Las Cruces, I was passed by several vehicles of a suspicious nature. There were a couple of sedans with really heavy window tinting. Then a small rental moving truck (similar to a U-Haul), followed by a white van with Government plates and several more blacked out vehicles. They were traveling close together and just under the speed limit. When the last vehicle passed me, they all changed lanes together into my lane.

I spent most of the rest of the trip speculating what was in the truck that they were transporting and obviously protecting.

It made the time go by and helped keep me awake.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thank You Boston!

Celtics Win! I just caught the news. I was living in the Boston area in the late 80s, during the era of Bird and Magic. While I don’t follow basketball, it is nice to go through those memories again.

The only time I’ve ever taken more than a passing interest in basketball was during a Finals game between Boston and Los Angeles. I think it was 1987? Not sure.

I wrote down all the players names and kept track of who scored how many points, free throws, etc. I don’t even remember who won. I just remember sitting by the TV on our porch in Kingston, MA keeping track of a game.

Yeahhhhh, Boston wins. Too bad it wasn’t on the old parquet floor at The Garden.

The blessed relief

Wednesday afternoon I went to the dentist with a pain in the back of my mouth. Seems I have an horizontally impacted wisdom tooth that is infected.

So, after the dentist, I went to the Oral Surgeon and had my pre-surgery consultation. We set the date for Friday the 13th!

Yesterday morning I arrived for my torture session. After at least 4 injections of local "numb-all" in my jaw, they started. An hour and 15 minutes later, I was out he door with a numb face, and a prescription for enough Percocet to flat-line a horse.

Now, when I shattered my leg back in 2003, I became best friends with narcotic pain medication. I spent 6 months on crutches and wheelchair and learned to fear the tranquil feeling that came with "the pill."

There is a certain feeling you get when Percocet starts to act on your body. You become low-key and relaxed. I imagine it is something like Valium. It smoothes out my high points and low points. Everything becomes groovy...and the pain is gone.

It also scares me. The feeling that it gives me is not "me" and yet it could become very enjoyable very quickly. I very much understand that smooth seduction that leads to addiction. I could come to need that feeling very fast.

So, after the "pain-begone" injections wore off and my face stopped tingling, it was time to pick up the prescription of "Tranquility in a bottle" and see how much I could tolerate. It has been a couple of years since I've had need for it.

I popped two of them to take the edge off the large mountain of pain yesterday afternoon and one more at bedtime. They worked like they were supposed to, and I felt that call again. Luckily I am on a "soft food" diet and can't chew anything. The pills loose their call when taken on an almost-empty stomach. The relief from the bone-drilling pain is there, but the tranquility is lost in the slight stomach ache that comes with it.

I have learned that it is easier to tolerate pain with the help of Advil than it is to skirt the edge with "the pill."

Pray for my quick recovery and the healing of my mouth. Tomorrow I should be able to go back to work again, too. This is not a fun time, but it was necessary.

Oh, and the pills? They go all the way to the back of the cabinet, to be used as needed for twisted ankles, etc. 1/2 of a pill makes for a good first-aid device.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Who defines what a Windfall Profit is?

Is it some magical dollar level, or is it a percentage of return?

If ABC Oil spends $600 million on research, development and recovery, and they see a 10% profit, is that excessive?

Does it get reported that way? Nope. Ricky Reporter breathlessly tells up that ABC Oil made $60 million in profit! How Obscene! They should forfeit that money for the good of "the po' folks.

So, if 10% profit is a Windfall Profit for Big Oil, what about every other segment of the economy? Big Media? Big Fill-In-The-Blank?

Who decides? Senator Soundbyte? No thank you!

Friday, June 6, 2008

June 6, 1944

Order of the Day, June 6, 1944: "Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen of the Allied Expeditionary Force!

"You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hope and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world..."

0933 hrs : Communication no. 1 from the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces is broadcast:

"Under the command of General Eisenhower, allied naval forces supported by strong air forces, began landing allied armies, this morning, on the northern coast of France."

1200 hrs : CHURCHILL speaks to the House of Commons: "I have to announce to the Chamber that the first series of mass landings on the European continent have begun; and most batteries along the coast have been taken. Everything is running according to plan."

Broadcast made to Western Europe by Gen Eisenhower: "People of Western Europe: A landing was made this morning on the coast of France by troops of the Allied Expeditionary Force. This landing is part of the concerted United Nations’ plan for the liberation of Europe, made in conjunction with our great Russian allies..."

Such simple words that identified the largest invasion force ever assembled in history. On the 64th anniversary of that day, we say thank you again.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Too Much "Reality" in our lives?

Can someone please tell me why I should care about Kim Kardashian (sp), Denise Richards or any number of other bimbos who grace the channels of our TV sets?

Who made these people interesting? Is this the final (hopefully) evolved state of the old "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" TV show with Robin Leach?

Are our lives so superficially shallow that we need to watch "Real Orange County Housewives" or NY Housewives, or Army Wives, or...well, you get the point. It seems that there is nothing on TV worth watching anymore. There are so many channels on cable now, that they have to contract pure filth and crap to show to viewers or all you would see is a test pattern all day.

If I have to hear more commercials about another singing, plastic surgery performing, OB/GYN tattoo artist in Beverly Hills, I'm going to scream.

Of course, then I could turn on Dr Phil, or Dr Laura, or Oprah, or....

Where's my prozac?