
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Just another day at the office

Train PictureHere I am out staring down locomotives! I love my job!

I'm actually delivering 7,600 gallons of red-dye diesel fuel to a rail yard in Eastern Arizona. In order to get to the tank, the truck has to straddle 2 separate rail lines in the yard.

It makes it exciting when you have rail crews waiting to move copper around and you're in the way, pumping off fuel at 300 or so gallons per minute

Friday, October 17, 2008


Today in MB
Originally uploaded by Greatest Obsession
As a member of the Flickr photo posting community, I am on the constant lookout for pictures that others post that I like (does that make sense?)

The photographer snapped this shot and I love it. Stark lines and character.

I wanted to share it.

Prop 102

Such a simple little item on the ballot. “Only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in this state.”

You should hear the screaming hissy fits people are throwing against it though. There are people out there screaming that it would place discriminatory language into the Arizona Constitution. So, it’s ok to discriminate in the Arizona Revised Statues, but not in the Constitution?

It’s already the law in Arizona. Unfortunately it was the law in California too, until a judge decided it wasn’t.

It’s the same as the proposition we voted down in 2006. No it’s not. That one tried to be all-encompassing and regulate domestic partner benefits, etc. This one doesn’t.

The groups opposed to this are throwing everything they can at it, hoping something will stick.

My feeling? Pass it. It’s already in the law. If you are opposed to having this passed, you apparently want to change the law sometime in the future?

The sky is falling…the sky is falling. Oh my. Stop whining. Look at your REAL motivations and express those. Stop with the platitudes and what you think is politically correct to say. Tell us why you REALLY don’t want it to pass. Oh, you can’t do that? Why not?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Give Me A Break

Can a movie that lampoons everything that Liberal America holds dear get a fair shake in the movie reviews?

“An American Carol” ranks number two on my “Must See Immediately” list, right behind the new Disney movie.

There is nothing liberal and sacred in this film, from what I can see in the trailers and read in the early reviews. There was even some irritation from one reviewer that the movie opened without any press screenings. The ungodly indignity of it all. Imaging the reviewer having to rub elbows with Joe Sixpack. How will he ever get the Coke stains off his tie?

Quickly running through a list of reviews posted online, I don’t see anything that says this movie is worth seeing. As a matter of fact, the actors are mentioned as “the usual Hollywood Republicans,” in the same manner one would say “B Actors.”

I am willing to make a bet that this “liberal witch hunt in court jester clothing,” surprises the Hollywood know-it-alls and does very well in the theaters of flyover country.