
Saturday, April 12, 2014

What Just Happened Here?

Apparently WordPress doesn't like me.  Due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to move my blog back to Blogger from WordPress overnight.

It will be going back as soon as I can make it happen, but for now we'll be on Blogger.

Unfortunately, during the reconfiguration overnight, I started getting a nice little error from Google.  Apparently something didn't update and my domain name is stuck in an infinite loop of death.

So, I've manually forwarded the domain to the blogger sight, and hopefully the problem will go away today...after the DNS servers update and it trickles down.

If not, it's going to be a long night dealing.

Please be patient with me.

Thank you,


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hello, Is Anybody In There?

Telephone HandsetA phone call with my son tonight reminded me of how technologically different our generations are.

I am a child of the landline era. When the phone rings, I pick it up, and expect to hear voices on the other end. If I don't hear voices when I pick it up I assume one of two things has happened. Either the line is dead, or its a prank call. Either way after a couple of seconds of silence I hang up.