
About The Blog

If you went to the main webpage that this blog is part of, you're probably very confused.

It's a personal webpage, for heaven's sake.  In this day and age, a personal webpage is affiliated with a blog about social media, communications and other "non-cutsie" stuff?  Where's the kittie pictures?
On my Facebook feed, occasionally.

I am fascinated by Social Media, and how it has taken hold in almost all aspects of our day-to-day lives.  I write about what I see, and how it affects me.  I also write about how I see it affecting the Emergency Preparedness/Law Enforcement community.

What won't you find on this blog?
  • Top 10 lists of anything (unless it's places to get a good cheeseburger)
  • How to increase your follower count (because I don't know the magic formula)
  • What's going on in Hollywood/Music/TV/Pop Fashion (I don't care)
  • What I had for dinner (Unless it's a fabulous cheeseburger place)
  • Workplace Drama (I really want to keep my job, thank you)
  • Home Drama (Happy Wife, Happy Life)
  • How to increase your SEO scores (I don't really aspire to be the best of the best)
  • Politics (This is not that kind of blog)
  • Hoochie Pictures (My wife and kids are online, too)

What are you likely to find?

  • Amateur Radio related items (mainly how Ham Radio and SM can interact)
  • Social Media in Emergency Mgmt (SMEM) items.
  • My take on some news items
  • The occasional LOLCat (Just to keep you on your toes)
  • Anything I find interesting, and think that you, the reader, might find interesting as well.
Please comment on my posts. Let me know if you like, or don't like, something. If you want to see more information about something I've posted, please speak up.

Hopefully I won't bore you, and you'll find something that you want to pass on to others.
