Monday, February 10, 2014

Clarity and Continuity

I have been reading a lot about Social Media lately.  Most of it is directed toward making your business presence on SM more noticeable.

One particular blog posting has focused my attention on my Social Media presence.  Courtney Seiter (@CourtneySeiter), a Content Creator with Buffer, wrote about creating a professional bio for your four major Social Media platforms (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook & Google+). She packs a lot of excellent info into her article.

Some of the tips do not translate well to the casual user's personal profile pages, unfortunately.  However, the one thing that most social media sites have in common is the usage of profile pictures, or header/background pictures.

This morning I took a quick tour through my various accounts, and found one glaring problem.  There is no continuity. Oh sure, I have header photos all over the accounts, but they're all different. My Personal Brand is lacking serious PR punch. (Man, I really need to stop reading marketing blogs.)

Something you can do, that is quick and easy, is make sure your background/header images have something in common. Something that ties your accounts together, a common theme.

The trick is figuring out what that theme should be.  Don't forget your YouTube account.  Did you know you can upload a header image there as well?

What else should you do?

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